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Astrology for July 2018 Reveals The One Thing Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Be Cautious Of This Month

Writer's picture: Astro SignatureAstro Signature

Happy Cancer season! While summer gets underway and everyone’s relaxing (beach season is good for that), it’s important to remember we mere mortals can sometimes be too careless with our hearts, bank accounts, and perspectives. But July 2018’s horoscope forecast reveals that we should be a little more careful — and there are certain things to be more cautious of, based on your zodiac sign.

Some insights in the astrological realm can be found in the month’s planetary alignments, which will coincide differently with each sign’s houses.

  1. Venus will be in Virgo starting July 10, which means many will reconnect with pure, earthy and loving energies. Meanwhile, Jupiter will be going “into direct” on July 10 in Scorpio. “Direct” is essentially the opposite of retrograde, leading to a bit more luck for the Scorpio-heavy charts out there.

  2. On July 12, we’ll also have a new moon in Cancer that will incentivize us to open ourselves up to more sensitive communication.

  3. The sun enters the bold sign of Leo on July 22, bringing out the glam, showy side in all of us humans.

  4. Mercury retrograde in Leo will be happening on July 26, making the Leo energy we’ve been experiencing a bit lopsided — but the “inferior conjunction,” as it’s known when the sun and Mercury in retrograde are in the same sign, can still help us with reflections and understandings.

  5. On July 27, there will be a full Moon in Aquarius and lunar eclipse to reveal things obscured from our view.

Each of these alignments will affect your sign a little differently. Read on to find out more:


You’ll be soaking in the comforts of the fourth house with the sun in Cancer for a while. Once it’s Leo season, you’ll feel an extra boost of pleasure come your way. The thing to be cautious of, however, is that you don’t get too carried away with overindulgence once Mercury in retrograde hits your fifth house — whether that be through over-spending, or wasting time, or going out more often than your body can keep up with. Make sure you stay grounded in some way.


You crave relaxation, and this is not the month for that! When Jupiter goes into direct, it will be in the sign directly opposite yours, Scorpio. So energy will be flowing within you, possibly in the area of partnerships in your seventh house. The thing you need to be cautious of now is figuring out how to live your best life with a team — whether it be a romantic endeavor or a business endeavor, don’t be a proud, independent bull. Embrace the opportunity to form a union this month. Jupiter signifies it’s going to be pretty lucky…


You’re naturally ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, which will be in Leo for the whole month and aspecting your natural home of your third house. When the sun also goes into Leo, you’ll feel an extra boost of energy in your third house — however, you’re going to want to beware when retrograde begins. Make sure you try to avoid misunderstandings form overcommunicating during this time.


The new moon will be in your sign, while the sun is too! Lucky duck. However, when the sun goes into Leo at the end of the month, you’re going to want to take a good look at your finances. Movement will be occurring in your second house of material possessions, where retrograde’s also going to take place. Keep yourself accountable by breathing through any stress or limiting beliefs you have about money. And hang in there — don’t let your anxiety get the best of you.


Communication may be frazzled at the end of the month when Mercury goes into retrograde. You may be feeling less heard or noticed than usual. But before that, you’ll be busy living your best life, Leo, as the sun prepares to transition into your sign. You’re making a big change in your life right now, as you do every year around this time like the star you are. So don’t fret! Try to check in to make sure your confidence isn’t dipping too low during this time… that’s the key to your magic.


The one thing you should be cautious of this month is overanalyzing your love life too much. Venus will be in your sign, so trust me — you’ll feel the pressure to consider all things emotions as the month goes on. This isn’t always your natural forte, but breathe through it and don’t get too frazzled. You may end up finding a great connection as the month goes on…


You might feel a little strange, as Venus will be in your 12th house of the subconscious as it is in Virgo. But good things will be happening to you if you process all that junk now! At the same time, a new moon in Cancer means your 10th house of status is going to be ringing… ushering in the need for you to be a little more independent to surge ahead. Be cautious of giving into the desire to shy away from this challenge, as your air sign’s tendency may be. Ask for the recognition you deserve during this time. Your emotional health may be counting on it.


Jupiter will be direct in Scorpio, so you’re in for a treat in terms of feeling great after July 10. Consider this one of the luckiest periods of time you’re going to have. The issue is seeing an opportunity sometimes, so make extra sure your eyes are peeled. And don’t get too pessimistic or impatient if things don’t appear to be going your way! Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways, and this season, those ways will probably be for your good.


This July, bask in the natural placement that will be the sun in your sign’s natural ruler, the 9th house of philosophy. And make sure you’re not coming off too pretentiously to your peers as a result. When the sun aligns and puts you right in your element, you may sometimes lose touch of wanting to apply your ideas to other people. So don’t let yourself detach this season — share any new ideas you may have far and wide, especially after that full moon in Aquarius! They’ll benefit more people than you realize.


The new moon will be in the sign directly opposite yours, so make sure you’re not repressing your emotions too much. All that emotional energy in your 7th house of partnerships may overwhelm you, so try and actually be proactive about expressing it. The fact is you’re sometimes more of a solo, 10th house-ruled loner than not — but don’t isolate yourself during this season. This July, don’t be afraid to embrace that other people can help you just as much as you can help yourself.


That full moon in Aquarius will shake you up the most! You’re going to be feeling really interestingly, as it’s going to be an eclipse too, and perhaps being extra reflective. Watch out for your intense emotions and let yourself feel them. Journal a bit more to make sure you process all of it. You’re a detached sign naturally, but sometimes feeling things can help you grow as a person. And this July is the perfect time to exercise that.


Venus will be in the sign that’s directly opposite yours, so your views on what you find beautiful and what you love may change. You’ve been feeling a little jaded lately, but you have your emotions together more than you may feel, Pisces. This July, you need to let yourself be more confident and bold, in line with how someone whose Venus will be going from the 6th to 7th house should be — detail-oriented, to more focused on connection and growth. Around you is so much love, but don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it.


© 2019 By Astro-Signature.

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