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November 2018 Overall horoscope predictions to see what’s in store for you this year

Writer's picture: Astro SignatureAstro Signature

November Overall

Where did 2018 go? The year is flying by, but before we sink our teeth into 2019, there are a few major astrological events that need to occur — many of which are happening this month.

For the first few days of November, you’ll still be enjoying that spooky Halloween feel. The month kicks off with a new moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, November 7. New moons coincide with beginnings, but Scorpio symbolizes the spirit of conclusion. Accordingly, this is an excellent time to make peace with whatever you need to release from your life. Even when we know something is toxic, it’s not easy to let go. After all, our bad habits become our comfort zones. So under this sky, give yourself permission to grieve your goodbyes. Eulogize your farewells, cosmic warrior — embracing forward motion requires acceptance of the past.

This formal parting is perfectly timed because the following day — Thursday, November 8 — lucky Jupiter finally says au revoir to Scorpio. It’s been in Scorpio since around this time last year (on October 10, 2017). Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Scorpio is the sign associated with taboos, sex, and all that exists within the shadows. This association explains a lot of what’s been happening lately.

Jupiter moves into philosophical Sagittarius to help us find answers. Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter, so when this sign and planet link up, the energies work together at their highest vibrations. Jupiter’s expansive energy will feed off of Sagittarius’s wildfire, encouraging us to find real solutions to systemic problems. Astrologically speaking, Jupiter’s motion will be extremely lucky, and hopefully, create positive change.

We will start feeling the impact of Jupiter as early as Thursday, November 22, when the sun glides into Sagittarius. At this time, we will have celestial bodies in this fiery sign (the sun, Mercury, and Jupiter), creating a powerful cosmic trifecta. The following day (Friday, November 23), the sky will be electrified by a full moon in Gemini, which will provide some serious clarity. The moon symbolizes our emotions, and on a societal scale, women. By the end of the month, we will definitely see lots of shifts directed toward attitudes about the patriarchy.

Cosmic warriors, I hope you’re excited and inspired. It is my duty, however, to be the bearer of some less fabulous news as well: The very same day that sensual Venus concludes its retrograde cycle, Mercury begins its own moonwalk. The fourth and final retrograde of 2018 begins on Thursday, November 16 and will last through December 6.

But don’t fret: While Mercury retrograde will certainly bring its fair share of frustrations (miscommunications, delays, malfunctions, etc.), it will also help us get organized. This is a time for observation, so as we prepare to conclude this year and move to the next, Mercury’s backward spin will encourage us to make sure any loose ends are tied up. You ready, team? It’s showtime.


© 2019 By Astro-Signature.

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