They’ve got a memory, they just forgot how to use it.
There’s a fine line between forgetfulness and memory. You can have an excellent memory and still be forgetful.
But in astrology, there are some signs who don’t remember as well as the rest of us. The forgetful zodiac signs probably never check their horoscopes either because it simply slips their minds.
These individuals may have poor memories, or they may have so much important information saved that they don’t have any room for the day to day things that we’re supposed to remember. When you’re forgetful and you know it, you need to take extra steps like having a planner, making lists, or writing things down on a schedule.
For some people, having an excellent memory is something they work at and have little tricks to help them to remember. There are even memory competitions for those who have incredible memories.
However, if you’re forgetful, you tend not to want to put as much care and effort into strengthening your memory because you have enough on your mind already. Memorization may help with things like tests and procedures, but it’s not going to help when it comes to remembering names, appointments, or errands.
Being forgetful means having the feeling that there was something you were supposed to do but not remembering what it was. You know it’s there somewhere in your brain, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.
