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THE moment arrives: Mercury Turning Direct In Leo

Writer's picture: Astro SignatureAstro Signature

How Will Affect Your Love Life And Relationships Love, Self

August 17, 2018

Finally it’s as if we’re able to hit the play button on our lives.

On August 19th, Mercury turns direct in Leo and suddenly releases its grip on us. This transit in astrology will relieve us of feeling like we’re unable to move forward with our lives.

While Mars is still retrograde for a few more days, we will still be able to move ahead with plans because the foggy communication Mercury induces will thankfully be over. And that’s great news for our zodiac signs who just want a normal horoscope (and life) again.

Mercury is known for causing havoc on our communication when he goes retrograde a few times a year. This can be in terms of electronic communication but also the way in which we are able to verbally express ourselves.

During these times it can feel frustrating. It’s as if what we are trying to say just isn’t landing, and no matter how hard we try we just can’t seem to be understood.

In Leo, Mercury is a bit out of his element as he tends to prefer the more logical thought processes and this fire sign is all about the heart. It’s not that what we feel in our hearts is illogical, but often we bring greater scrutiny to it because we second-guess ourselves, and we have a hard time explaining the why behind our emotions because we often can’t find the reasons behind them.

This makes the waters all the more mucky for Mercury, and we’ve been feeling the effects of this the past few weeks as we just haven’t been able to connect our hearts with the voice needed to express what was there.

During this time, it’s likely that many of us have been challenged in our relationships, even having arguments — not necessarily because they needed to occur, but rather neither person was able to understand where the other was coming from. In relationships, communication is one of the core factors, especially if we find ourselves transitioning from one phase to another, such as when we become more serious and want to make a greater commitment.

However, even in our day to day lives, communication is necessary because we need to be able to discuss what we’re going through and how we are feeling so we can continue to build greater intimacy with our partner.

While Mercury has been in retrograde, all of this was hampered, destroyed or even just muddled, because not only does Mercury not do the heart the best, he also wasn’t in the position to make sense of things, which means we weren’t either. As a result of this, it’s likely that we all felt “paused” during the current Mercury retrograde phase, almost as if we knew where we wanted to go but ultimately were unable to take the steps to get there.

As Mercury neared the point at which he turned direct, we were able to make sense of our thoughts and begin to relay them to others. But it still seemed that so much was at a standstill. That is all about to change.

While this planet may still cause a disruption here or there for the next few weeks until he’s out of the shadow zone and back into regular orbit, we will feel a greater ease in digging deep and opening up to those we love.

While we are just a week or so past our final eclipse and new moon, we are still feeling the anticipation of a new beginning, and Mercury turning direct is an important piece in us being able to construct our lives around what we feel our hearts (Leo) most drawn to. Perhaps we will have given up trying to explain things logically, or maybe it’s simply that we won’t care.

But regardless of the why, the things that seemed like major hang-ups during the past few weeks will suddenly disappear and we will be able to see a straight path towards where we want to go.

Leo is all about our innermost passions, our hearts, joy, and where we feel supported in being the most authentic, and coupled together with the astrology this month we are going to be using Mercury’s quick-witted energy to move exactly in the direction we want to go.

Because this planet is now direct, our thoughts will come more easily, we will trust ourselves with greater depths, and we will be able to articulate not just our plans to ourselves but also to those we want to be a part of them.

Once this planet turns direct, we can expect to suddenly find our long lost voice. This may feel overwhelming, especially if we’ve spent the past few weeks in silence, but it’s long overdue.

Our sudden clarity will lead to us talking more about how we’re feeling, what our plans for the future are, and we will find ourselves generally trying to make up for time we feel we lost.

While change is sometimes feared more than it is welcomed, in this case, it’s a long time coming. We’ve been under the guise of quietly plotting our next move all summer, likely within the secrecy of our own hearts, and now is the time when those quiet thoughts can start to become loud actions. It’s the time when it will feel like the Universe took its hand off the pause button and things just start coming together.

To prepare for this planet turning direct, it’s important to indulge in quiet right now if that is what we are craving, to not rush the process of spilling our hearts, or trying to make things happen before they are ready. It’s our last few days that we have to really think closely about what we want, and perhaps most importantly who we want in our lives before the moment arrives when we can actually do something about it.

Because when that moment arrives, for once we’re going to actually be ready for it.

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