They accept you as you are.
To be accepted. Isn’t that what we all want? For someone else in this world to simply accept us as we are, warts and all. If only that were an easy request, and yet, the most accepting zodiac signs are rare people indeed.
Depending on astrology and when, where and what family you were born into, you might have a very inbred tendency to accept very little, even if your horoscope advises differently. Perhaps you are completely intolerant of certain aspects of a person’s personality (perhaps that is also why you’re alone). This inability to accept others as they are is isolating.
The truth is, no one likes the person who accepts nothing but ideals. Who needs to jump over hoops to impress a person, especially if you accept your own self? Ah, that’s the kicker: self-acceptance makes it a whole lot easier to accept others, which means that the opposite stands true as well.
Those who remain intolerant and unable to be accepting are usually equally as unable to accept their own selves as is. There’s always something wrong, and so, in turn, those who feel there’s always something wrong with themselves project that insecurity on to others. Hence, there’s always something wrong with YOU. You been projected upon, and it feels just like intolerance.
So, who makes up the group of folks who have actually risen above their own ego to allow the faults and frivolities of another into their acceptable world? Well, thankfully, many of us still do care enough to open our hearts to those less than robotically perfect. Who are the most accepting zodiac signs?
The Most Accepting Zodiac Signs Who Will Love You No Matter What
