There’s something indescribable about the way a gorgeous outfit feels, along with the empowering pride of a stellar #OOTD and an Instagram post to prove it. Not only is a chic taste in fashion impressive to everyone else, it also instills you with a sense of confidence. No matter how “shallow” some people might find fashion, it feels damn good to be wearing something you know looks incredible.
And after all, it’s nothing new. Since ancient times, we as humans have sought after all the latest trends, coveted glamour that radiates wealth and status, and revered fashion like the art that it is. If you want to know who’s contributed most to the legacy of design, look no further than the most fashionable zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, and Libra.
You know those people who can piece together an inventive outfit no matter what they’re working with? Those people who don’t care whether or not it’s a low-key affair, because they’ll still show up in their best ensemble? Well, it’s likely that those people were born under one of these zodiac signs. They’re the ones you go to when you need advice about what to wear. They’re you’re first choice when it comes to finding a shopping buddy, because if you don’t know what you should buy, they most certainly will.
Taurus: Their Wardrobe Is Filled With Expensive Items
Leo: They’re Not Afraid To Make A Fashion Statement
Libra: They Have The Most Refined Taste In Fashion

Base on Uranus transit 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide allows you to make your personal horoscope work harder for you.