Back before I met my partner, I went on a lot of coffee dates. The reason they’re a solid first date option is because the time frame is short (especially if you’re not digging the person), it’s public so it’s relatively safe, and it’s easy to just chat. (Yay, caffeine!) But you know what else coffee dates are? Boring. And sometimes you really just want to break out of the routine and do something unique. Sound familiar? Well then, you need to know who the zodiac signs known for fun dates are, so that you can start swiping right on a little adventure.
1. Aries
2. Gemini
3. Libra
4. Sagittarius
Not only do these people have a more active and exciting attitude toward first dates, but they are also less likely to fall into the every-weekend-on-the-couch trap later on in the relationship. Hey, we all love an occasional Netflix and chill weekend, but that’s no way to live all the time. Life is short, and what’s the point of having a partner if you’re not going to have some fun and experience as much you can? So, if that sounds like what you’re after in a SO, you’re going to want to find yourself one these fun-loving zodiac signs ASAP.
