In many ways, I’m the ultimate Virgo. I’m obsessed with organization, I’m a closet introvert, and I’m highly critical (especially of myself). But one place where I fail as a Virgo is in the reliability factor. I’m not proud of it, but, if I’m totally honest, I have a habit of being flakey. In my case, even though Virgo is not one of the zodiac signs who are terrible at scheduling dates,
I have a habit of saying yes to everything and then double-booking myself. And then, because I’m a Virgo, the guilt kicks into overdrive, and then it’s Avoidance City, Population: Me. Again, not proud of it, but this is a safe space, right?
Anyway, enough about my terrible flakiness. Let’s talk about the actual flakes of the zodiac, who are either too busy to squeeze you into their busy schedule, or who, more often than not, don’t keep the plans they’ve made. You know who you are. And if you happen to be dating one of these folks, at least you’ll see it coming when, inevitably, they flake at the last minute.
