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What Makes Each Zodiac Sign Really Nervous And Anxious

Writer's picture: Astro SignatureAstro Signature

They’re quick to cower.

Astrology gives us some different kinds of reaction to nervousness-inducing stimulation. What are some of the things you can say to each sign of the zodiac to make them really, really nervous?

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

“Wait a minute, who are you? I’ve never heard of you before.” Showing indifference to an Aries about their person is enough to send them into massive fits of self-doubt and nervousness.


TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

“Be here at this exact time, OK. Please don’t be late.” Taureans have a very hard time showing up on time, so if you tell them specifically to be on time, they will sweat profusely over the idea.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

“I need a decision now.” Gemini lives in procrastination-mode. They’re only happy when they’re NOT making decisions, so when forced to make one in a timely manner, they fall apart with nervous energy.


CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

“There may be some travel involved.” Telling a Cancer that they may have to spend time away from the home base is like telling them they have to have brain surgery in a few minutes.


LEO (July 23 – August 22)

“I like them better than you, sorry.” Leo does not take rejection well. It sets them off on a bender of self-doubt and nervous worry. They can deal with being number one, but number two? Never. Instant nervous reaction.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

“I think I’m going to win.” Don’t tell a Virgo you are feeling successful about anything, because their inner nervousness will act out as a vicious assault on you. Virgo thrives on putting you down, so if you show confidence, they get nervous and lash out.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

“I heard something about you.” Libra cannot stand for one split second the idea that people are talking behind their backs. If you mention that they are somehow involved in some gossip, that Libran will flip out with anxiety and all-out nervousness.


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

“I feel really good today.” Aw, this makes Scorpio sad! You can’t feel good around a Scorpio because they delight in your misery, and if they can’t make you miserable as soon as you mention you feel good, then they really get nervous about things.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

“I don’t have any plans.” Nothing makes Sag go out of their mind more than stagnancy. If you don’t have any plans, that might mean they don’t have any plans, and that will not do! Sag needs plans, and without them, nervousness ensues.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

“I can’t find it.” Uh oh. That makes Capricorn very nervous. Order and organization are specialties with this zodiac sign, and if told that something is as out of order as the LOSS of some “thing,” Capricorn goes into nervous spasms.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

“Please respect my wishes, thank you.” Naturally rebellious Aquarius really doesn’t like having decisions made for them, even if it’s of dire importance to you, like being respected. If Aquarius can’t just “do what they want,” they get jittery and weird with nervousness.


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

“I can’t make it.” NOT what you ever want to say to a Pisces, especially if they’ve invited you someplace. They do not know what to do with information that doesn’t work according to their plan, and that might set them off on a nervous tangent, resulting in many Piscean tears.

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