Welcome to Taurus Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we connect with the earth beneath our feet. With Uranus Transition.
This Taurus Season Different to all Zodiac season, however, will bring a bit of a jolt. Starting May 15 the planet Uranus, after seven years in Aries, will arrive in Taurus, awakening of consciousness to element earth. Uranus in Taurus will be a revolution of value and ownership, a transformation of our relationship with food and money. On its most fundamental level, Uranus in Taurus will give us a radical new understanding of our planet and the fragile balance that everyone and everyone takes for granted.
Mars will also change signs on May 15, adding fuel to an already supercharged day. Moving into Aquarius, a sign that it will be in until August, action will now happen on a collective level. Social causes, politics, and activism will all be hot button issues. On a personal level, Mars in Aquarius will inspire us to form community and make friendships or social connection a priority. Mars’s square off with Uranus on May 16, however, may bring a jolt to this new Uranus in Taurus era.
Even though the movements of Uranus and Mars dominate the headlines for May, there are other things going on, namely a Taurus New Moon on May 15. Money, stability, and material needs are at the forefront for the coming lunar month. Additionally, with the energy of the new moon pointing to Venus in Gemini, the coming four weeks will be busy, chatty, and filled with movement.
Mercury finally switches signs, too. After two months in Aries, Mercury arrives in Taurus on May 13. Taurus is a slow and chill placement for the usually quick and agile Mercury, but we’ll be acutely aware of the value of our choices. Communication will be practical and down to earth.
Venus also changes sign, moving into Cancer on May 19. We’ll see a shift in Taurus Season after this point too, moving from the restless curiosity of Gemini to the heart and emotional connection of Cancer. Whatever is shaking up with Uranus in Taurus may now have an emotional component. And seeing how Venus will start to face off with Saturn, we may have a serious decision to make around May 26.
We end the month with a Sagittarius Full Moon, one that will highlight themes we were working on during Saturn’s visit to Sagittarius from 2015 to 2017. Themes like faith, meaning, integrity, right and wrong. Full moons bring matters to a head, but whatever does come about may touch on the spiritual and intuitive with Jupiter harmonizing with compassionate Neptune. Maybe everything is going to work out after all.
According to principles of Transneptunian Astrology also know as Uranian Astrology in transiting planet interpretation.
Taurus Reflect Scorpio, this mean any transiting planet in Taurus also reflect in Scorpion. Specialy in outer planet from Uranus to pluto and also transneptunian planet like , Cupido, Hadea etc.
Hold onto your horns, Taurus. You’re starting a new seven year story, one that will mark your life with change, transformation, and revolution. You know, we’ve been talking about this for a few months now, how you were coming up to a big shift. And I get it, Taurus.
You’re a sign that doesn’t like to shake things up. You like things calm and predictable because, as an earth sign, you create the energy of stability. But here comes the planet Uranus, arriving in Taurus on May 15, and jolting your whole world. It’s quite possible that you’ve been feeling this coming, this restless feeling that something has to change. Like the mythical Prometheus, Uranus brings the fire of consciousness. You will have new sight on your life as well as yourself. And with new awareness comes the realization of what’s working and not working in your life. It’s safe to say that over the coming seven years — yes, seven — you’re going to reinvent yourself. Maybe it starts with a change of hairstyle or clothes, but by the end it will almost be on a cellular level. Uranus demands authenticity, it demands truth, and it demands a break from the past.
So, my dear Taurus, whatever is inauthentic, whatever is not in the truth of who you are, and whatever it is from the past that is holding you back will need to go. Yep, it’s time for change, Taurus. With Uranus dominating the headlines this month, it’s easy to forget that it’s your birthday season. (Sorry, how could I forget???) And you’re getting quite the cosmic gift. It’s important to spend some time reflecting on what you want to create in your coming personal year, especially since the energy is fertile for powerful transformation.
On the same day that Uranus changes signs, Mars will also change signs, bringing the energies of change also to your relationships. If you’re in a partnership, you may see a shift, a change of seasons, the arrival of a new chapter, or possibly even a break. If you’re single but wanting to connect with a mate, all these celestial gear shifts may awaken you to a new awareness of the type of partner you want versus what you’ve been reaching for in the past. On May 19, your ruling planet, Venues, will arrive in Cancer, helping you to express your sensitive and caring side into the rest of the month. And since Cancer is one of your travel signs, you may round out the month on the go or planning a trip. By the end of May, a full moon will strike at the heart of your emotions. With everything in flux, you have have to do some soul searching, taking a deep look at your shadow self as well as how you sabotage and hold yourself back. As I mentioned, Uranus will be shining a light on everything, including the deepest parts of yourself. Want to learn more about how the astrology of May will affect you? Book your consultation now.
Key Themes: You, the self, individuality, new beginnings, radical change, transformation, breakdowns, breakthroughs, awakening, new consciousness, new thought, new vision, earthquakes, shake ups, shocks, new you, reinvention, revolution, money, value, stability, security, material possessions, what you own, what you need, relationships, other people, partnerships, career, direction, responsibilities, life direction.
Scorpio October 23–November 21 Scorpio Glyph
Oh heyyy, Scorpio. What’s up? How you feeling? Like your whole world is going to turn upside down? No, of course not, Scorpio. You’re in control. You’re always in control. Why are your knuckles white? (Is this a conversation with myself?) Let’s be real Scorpio because you don’t like it any other way. This is a big month for you, one that kicks off a new seven year story around reinvention and transformation — your favorite! That’s the irony about Scorpio, though. For a sign so much about transformation, it really doesn’t like change. Or it only likes change on its own terms. But, as you know, change is inevitable, and starting May 15, your change will be centered on your relationships, from your romantic partnerships to how you interact and open up to everyone in your life. A revolution is coming and, because you’re such a prescient sign, it’s likely you’ve been feeling this coming for the past couple of months, like the distant rumble of thunder. Uranus is not only going to change your world, it’s going to change you. So, get ready to start tearing down all those defensive walls you put up because Uranus isn’t having it anymore. What do you do with this information? Well, for one, be at peace with the reality that you can’t control everything. Let that tension and anxiety leave your body. Two, it’s good to do some creative visioning, especially around relationships. If you’re single and looking for connection, what’s the most radical thing that can change about how you relate to a romantic partner? Can you envision a totally different version of relationship, one that is more authentic to you? If you are in a committed relationship, where are you stuck? What needs to change in you connection? Let’s not forget that Mars also changes signs on May 15, moving into Aquarius. Since Aquarius forms the foundation of your chart, the coming weeks will focus you in the home and with family. It will also get you seriously thinking about your roots and the choices you make about some of the most fundamental things in your life. Mars may bring a change in the home, from superficial and cosmetic changes to a move or a shift in your living situation. It may also bring unexpected news or disruption. Mars in this part of your chart tends to be noisy, but it also pulls you to nest. With so much up in the air and your life at a crossroads, it’s important to get back to basics, focusing on creating a strong base for your life so that you can roll with these powerful transformations. Want to learn more about how the astrology of May will affect you? Book your consultation now.
Key Themes: Relationships, other people, one-on-one connection, partnership, socializing, interpersonal skills, home, family, foundation, roots, emotional needs, emotional core, money, finance, assets, income, salary, trust, security, vulnerability, material needs.